Do you not yearn for your bright-eyed
Which made the world seem like dazzling
light and wonder
And let you forget as soon as your gaze
was distracted,
Or your fumbling grasp that tightly
clasped onto a finger
But not onto anger or hurt,
Chubby growing muscles that found
challenges stimulating
And not a gateway to anxiety or
Strong angry voices could evoke temporary
But no memory of the sharp words your
parents exchanged remained
The maturation of
neurons leads to the inevitable
Attachment, memories, emotions,
ambitions, disappointments
The more of which we have, the more we
are compelled to strive
Not just for self actualization, but for
the attachments we
Believe lead us to love and identity.
Such fluid yet enchanting ideas
In a temporary world based on arbitrary
values we
Hold onto our fantasied ideals and what
is more
We fight our own wars in their name
Intelligence gives us more to care about,
More to lose, more to believe we own
More to say is Me
And ego preservation is one of the most
Forces, for good and otherwise,
That increasingly binds us to survival as
we Live